eCommerce Simplified with Gumroad

Gumroad lets you stop managing your eCommerce software and lets you start making… money.

Are you tired of the costs of selling on the internet? Are you fed-up with software that doesn’t work well, constantly needs updating, and costs you money whether you make a sale or not? We stumbled upon an easy eCommerce solution.

Do you sell or give away digital products? eBooks, music, artwork, planning pages (hint hint)…

Do you sell physical products?

Would you rather create your products than deal with setting up complicated ecommerce shopping carts?

Then Gumroad may be for you.

After much research, trial and error, and frustration with boxed in ecommerce platforms, we implemented Gumroad on this site. It handles secure downloads for free and paid items. And the best parts are:

  • We only get charged when we charge someone else (or they donate).
  • We don’t need a merchant account.
  • We can still give away FREE downloads without being charged.
  • We can make it so no one leaves our site to check out.

It’s a great service to check out. Visit them here:

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