Stay the Course on Your New Year’s Weight Loss Plan – Start Juicing!

carrots for juice - Juicing gone wild!

Make your own juice! Juice your way to health! Start juicing and live longer!

You’ve seen the juicing infomercials. You’ve probably even done some research online.

You may have even sampled some home-juiced juice.

Now, are you ready to take the plunge and buy your own juicer? If you are reading this, then the answer is probably yes.

So, the questions boil down to:

  • How much juice does a juicer juice?
  • What’s the best value juicer?
  • What are the pros and cons of juicing?
  • Are there any good recipes?
  • Do I need a multi-speed juicer?
  • Can I really lose weight juicing?

Some of the answers are easy, some are not, and some just depend on user preference.

Scroll down for a very good video review of two popular juicers.

The amount of juice output can vary greatly from brand to brand and from model to model. Harder vegetables require a high speed setting to maximize the juice output. Soft fruits and vegetables (think spinach, berries, etc.) require a low speed setting to maximize the juice output. So, yes, a multi-speed unit is ideal.

You can get similar juice output from a value machine as you can from a more expensive machine. However, this is NOT true for all value machines so shop wisely. Some of the differences between a low cost machine and high cost machine include:

  • plastic vs. stainless steel
  • motor reliability
  • durability
  • noise
  • warranty
  • ease of clean-up

Scroll down for a very good video review of two popular juicers.


There are some terrific recipes for juices, soup bases, and even desserts that you can make with your juicer. The health benefits of juicing are extensively documented and, if done right with some exercise, you will find yourself with more energy that you’ve had in ages. Many people can lose weight quicker (and healthily) with juicing.

I discovered juicing about 6 years ago and bought a Jack Lalanne model from my local BJs. It was fun, loud, and a beast to clean-up. Needless to say, I didn’t keep up with it and all of the weight loss and renewed energy slowly dissipated. So, now, after feeling rundown for months and receiving a “social coupon deal” on a juicer, I’m back in the market.

That “social coupon deal” wasn’t that great after checking amazon prices so I’ll stick with amazon and my free shipping. Being “frugal,” I’ve decided to order the Big Boss. I’ll let you know how it turns out. In the meantime, check out this video I found that helped solidify my decision…

One comment

  1. […] Back in early January, we posted the following article on juicing: […]